salonomics hair and beauty industry podcast

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Salonomics has decided to be a solely listener supported podcast, Which means no ads or people telling us what to say.
If you feel you are getting value from this show, please help us by becoming a supporter and passing the word that Salonomics is THE only show which shares your passions and airs your grievances.

Your contributions helps us to continue to bring you content that other creators cannot dare to.
If you want a shout out or to get something off your chest in an anonymous way, critique a colleague, burn a bridge or throw someone under a bus.

Send us an note via paypal or boostagram via a podcast 2.0 app – You can send us any amount!

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For a minimum donation of £50

You can get a shout out in the producer section of the RSS Show feed. With a link to your personal website or social & a verbal shout out on the podcast, 30 minute zoom consultation for your business once per month.

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Your contributions helps us to continue to bring you content that other creators cannot dare to. If you want a shout out or to get something off your chest in an anonymous way, critique a colleague, burn a bridge or throw someone under a bus. Make sure you send us a note via Paypal
*We reserve the right to say what we want.

Donors contributing £10 and above will get a special mention on the show. Donors of £100 or more will automatically Anyone donating £9.99 or less will automatically remain anonymous. (any amount will remain anonymous upon your request.)